Wednesday, 26 August 2009

A Brave Diaspora Who Went Back To Ethiopia to Sort The Economy.

Her name is Eleni Zaude Gabre-Madhin, PhD She established the Ethiopian Commodity exchange where she encourages farmers to bring their stock to a central location. Too many of farmers are split apart around the country and do not know the market they produce food to survive, any surplus is then sold which means there is a high demand for food for the city dwellers hence why the food prices are high. Now I'm no expert in economy, but I do have some common sense. I am extremely proud of this young woman named Eleni. She was brought up and educated in America has a PHD, she could be working in New York in her cushy office, yet she decided to use her expertise and knowledge to help her people in Ethiopia. This woman had to face a hurdle to set this thing up, people who set up business in Ethiopia are branded government supporters. Just because you aim to help your people and use your knowledge does not mean your politically involved. Ethiopians need to stop grouping people up saying you are this your are that you are involved in it for the money. Get real at least people like her are making a difference to those poor peoples lives, rather than sitting on your asses complaining all day. What have you done for the Ethiopian people lately? did you even send some money home some books? If you haven't then shut the hell up. I regularly send books and items that I know would be of help to people I know living in Ethiopia. Its good to share and I think its about time the Diaspora do something bigger and send themselves back home, with their big ideas to make Ethiopia a better place.

Here is Elenis's comment: I start with addressing why ECX is needed to begin with, and why we believe it can fulfill its vision of “transforming the Ethiopian economy by becoming a global commodity market of choice.” Like most countries in early stages of development, Ethiopia depends on agriculture as the backbone of its economy. To get out of agriculture and transform into a modern industrial state, Ethiopian agriculture must become increasingly productive so that labor can shift into other sectors. Greater productivity comes through investing more capital into production, through investing in productivity-enhancing technology, such as fertilizer, seeds, better farming tools, mechanization, etc. This investment can only happen if it is profitable. Profitability depends on whether there is a market where the product can be sold reliably and efficiently. Understandably, farmers hate risk. In addition to weather and production risks due to pests, crop disease, and other vagaries of nature, farmers also face the risk that there is no buyer, that they can’t access the market or it is too costly to do so, that prices are unknown or will drop, or that they won’t get paid. These very real market risks and costs prevent them from making the investments they need to make to be more productive. So they are stuck in a vicious cycle, producing at low yields, mostly for themselves, which is why only 25% of total agricultural production reaches the market. Farmers are not the only people whose livelihood is constrained by the market. If they are unable to get the supply of raw commodity delivered to them when they need it or prices fluctuate or the quality is unreliable, industrial processors, such as flour factories or biscuit or oil manufacturers, routinely incur higher costs because they are unable to utilize their machinery at full capacity and are thus discouraged from expanding their production. Similarly, commodity exporters who have contracted with international buyers face the terrible risk of not being able to make their shipment on time if they are unable to get the supply in time or in the right quality. To avoid this risk, they often are forced to tie up their capital holding large inventories, which means they can’t readily expand their business. So there is a real market problem, and it is faced by many actors on all sides of the market. And this problem constrains our economic growth. How does ECX provide a solution? ECX is a neutral third party, providing service to the market in four major ways. First, ECX certifies the quality of the commodity to be sold and holds it in warehouse on behalf of the seller, thus guaranteeing the quality, quantity, and delivery of the commodity to the buyer of that commodity. This solves the problem faced by buyers such as exporters and processors. Second, ECX operates a payment clearing and settlement system which takes payment from the buyer and transfers it to the seller, guaranteeing that the payment will be made in the correct amount and on time. This solves the problem faced by sellers, such as farmers and traders. Third, ECX provides a trading system which enables buyers and sellers to find each other when they need to trade. This trading system is for now a physical Trading Floor where bids and offers are made in person by buyers and sellers (or their agents) but will also have an electronic trading platform which can be accessed remotely. Finally, ECX disseminates information on prices as soon as trades are made to everyone in the market so that no one is at a disadvantage because they are missing market information. This price transparency helps everyone to plan their commercial actions better and thus make better deals. Having a reliable market system helps farmers produce more, expands our industrial base, increases our exports, and enhances our food security because commodities reach the areas where they are most needed faster and at lower cost. That is why commodity exchanges are part and parcel of most advanced and more recently emerging economies around the globe, starting with the best known US commodity exchange, the Chicago Board of Trade, started in 1848 for precisely the same reasons why our farmers and others in Ethiopia and our economy as a whole would benefit from an organized market.

Bless her she seems to be really anxious to please those Ethiopians who hate change or anything new and she seems to be really nice about it. I am surprised she has not flipped and given by now, as that is what the people in Ethiopia make you do when you try and start a business. Through the bureaucracy and negativity it can really put you off going back to Ethiopia. Her dream is working and a lot more Diasporas will follow her footsteps because this commodity exchange is what Ethiopia needs to lift itself out of poverty

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Are The IAAF of Athletics Nazi Supporters?

Who oh who are the so called IAAF? They resemble a couple of old Nazi's sitting in a drawing board coming up with the most stupid excuse why a person is winning all the gold medals. They are a disgrace and should show their face in public, they cannot hide behind closed doors making racist accusations and demand an athlete goes through gender examination, just because she does not have a weave and has thunder thighs! hmmmm I recall most female athletes, well the good ones have thunder thighs due to real training. If they expect the female athletes to be dainty and pretty, I suggest they join ballet; or even do something equally stupid and dated called synchronised swimming. Its an absolute disgrace that the South African athlete had to go through a gender test because she was manly, if so why didnt Martinez Navratilova take one too? After they discovered the SA runner was a woman, they then decided that she has extreme levels of testosterone to back up their ridicules demand of a gender test. This accusation echoes when Hitler refused to shake Jesse Owens hand when he won Gold in the Berlin Olympics in the 1930's. The founder of Nazism Hitler, refused to shake Jesse Owens hand and walked off, his argument was it was cheating as Africans are not fully human. The IAAF are very close to declaring their fascist origins they might as well come out with it. With their countless rubbish for defending the losers, who have lots of money being spent on them to win, but end up losing because they are crap. Do you think the IAAF stopped with pseudo-racism? they then demanded to ban cross country racing as Africans especially Ethiopia and Kenya keep winning all the gold medals. They win because they train hard and deserve it! when will they stop these racist demands, and accept those athletes from rich countries are sore losers and money does not necessarily win you medals?

Monday, 24 August 2009

'Lady Love' by Letoya Luckett is out Now!

Lady Love by Letoya Lucket is out now make sure you buy her new album it is packed full of RNB songs reminiscing Aaliya/H-TOWN. Plus has a few surprising songs form 'She Ain't Got' to Not Anymore. Letoya's last album Letoya was also number 1 in the states looks like this is going to be another number 1 for the 28 year old Texas native. I really hope she will come to the MOBO awards in Glasgow in September. She has proved herself and has put her Destiny's Childishness behind her at last.

Check out her video

Kenenisa Bekele The Legend of Ethiopia

This man is such a humble respected legend and an amazing sportsman, he really deserves a lot of exposure and some real sponsorship. Usain Bolt is the face of Puma, Kenenisa should be the face and body of Addidas. Kenenisa is the son of a farmer in Ethiopias Arsi region, his father Bekele did not want him to be a runner. He wanted him to become a civil servant, of course his father must be very proud of his double gold winning champion of a son now and so is the world and Ethiopia. Kenenisa has two songs made about him what a legend, I wonder if anymore will be made check them out tell me which one you prefer.

Teddy Afro

Some chick named Tigist I want you to guess where the beat is from

Friday, 21 August 2009

Saint Tekle Haimanot

Abune TeklehaymanotSaint Takla Himanot the Ethiopian

Part 1: His Family
"And the Angel of the Lord spoke unto Philip, saying, "Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert". He arose and went."
"And, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship, Was returning, and sitting in his chariot read Esaias the prophet".
Philip baptized that eunuch after he told him about Jesus, his incarnation, his crucifixion and his ascension. The eunuch transferred this faith to his country, but some of the Jewish traditions remained.
By the beginning of the 4th century, Bishop "Athnasious" ordained "Fromenteuos" as a Bishop over Ethiopia and was called Bishop "Salama". The holy secrets were taken to Ethiopia, and since then the Ethiopian church is affiliated to Saint Marc's church in Alexandria.

In the 13th century, a Christian family lived in Ethiopia; the husband who was a priest and loved Jesus very much was called "Sagaz Ab" (=the gift of faith), and the wife who was very rich and loved the poor was called "Sarah".
Their patron saint was the Archangel "Michael", and they used to make a feast for him on the 12th of every Coptic month by having a mass and after that a banquet for the poor.
The wife was sterile and that was why she always prayed to God for a child. "Sarah" used to spend her time in church, busy reading the bible and the psalms. She did her best with the poor and they called her "Agzaharia" (=the choice of God).
One day "Sarah" thought of giving their money to the poor and liberating their slaves, and she told "Sagaz Ab" this, hence they did that.

After many years of peace, a pagan called "Motmely" ruled the land of "Damoot" and "Shawa". He closed many churches and tried to revive the worship of idols.
One day "Talanece" (the place where "Sagaz Ab" and "Sarah" lived) was attacked. When the soldiers entered the country, "Sarah" was frightened and the people ran away from place to another.
"Sagaz Ab" took a route to hide and was followed by a soldier who wanted to kill him, until they reached a nearby lake, so "Sagaz Ab" threw himself in the lake to hide from the soldier asking the Archangel Michael to help him through this. At once he felt the water over him as if it’s a tent sheltering him, and the Archangel appeared to strengthen him. And when "Sagaz Ab" did not show up for a long time, the soldier thought he was drowned and went back.
The Archangel told "Sagaz Ab" that the soldier went away and hence he got out of the lake. At that time the Archangel Michael told "Sagaz Ab" that he was saved because of his child to be. He told him of great secrets about the child and carried him back to the town, and this was on 12th of Baramhat.
When the priest went back, he found that all the houses had been stolen either of money or of people. Among the latter was his wife "Sarah" who was kidnapped by the soldiers who wanted to give her as a present to their king "Montemely".
When the king saw the face of the saint "Agzaharia", he ordered for the richest clothes and precious jewels for her, and to be kept in the city of gods until their wedding.
"Sagaz Ab" was in great misery and sadness for what happened to his wife whom he loved very much, and was afraid of the evil king, but he went to the house of God at once. He went into the church and kneeled before the Holy Alter and cried and sobbed a lot while he prayed to God to save his wife.

On the 22nd of Baramhat, "Sagaz Ab" was having a mass and he put his wife's name "Sarah" forward to God, and all the congregation prayed for her. While he was moving around the church he saw a woman in precious clothes praying in great fear and awe to God.
When he finished he went to talk to all the new faces that came to the church, and among them this woman. He asked her where she was from, she told him that she had heard of a man called "Sagaz Ab" whose wife was taken and kidnapped and hence she came to be his wife! Then the priest crossed and told her that priests do not remarry, and that God would protect his wife and would return her safely to him.
"Sarah" smiled happily for her husband's faith and told him she was his wife and took off the veil that covered his face. Her husband was surprised and asked her how she had come. She told him that the Angel had saved her and got her to the church. The two kneeled before God in the church and thanked Him for his protection. In the evening all the congregation came when they heard of the return of "Sarah" and they all prayed glorifying God for his great love.
Then she told him that she prayed for her safety, and Michael, the Archangel came to her to tell her that she would return for the sake of her son. When the wedding ceremony started and finished, and the people congratulated the king, there was lightening and thunder. The king got mad and the angel saved her and got her to the church.
At night "Sagaz Ab" had a dream where he saw the sun and a lot of stars in their bedroom and the next day the Archangel told them of the coming of their son.
In the morning they gave most of all they had to the poor and they used to make a feast for the archangel every month on the 12th of Kiahk.On the 24th of Kiahk, "Sarah" gave birth to a beautiful son and called him "The happiness of Sehioun", or " The happiness of the churches". There were many miracles done by him; like when he talked when he was only 3 days old. He was baptized on his 40th day.
After a year and a half, there was a terrible famine that his parents couldn't make the following feast for Michael the Archangel. One day, the mother was praying to God so that she could do anything for the feast of the Archangel. While she was carrying her baby, he wiped her tears and pointed to the kitchen where some flour in a plate were present. He put his hands in the flour and it poured and poured, that the mother gathered every container she had in the house. And the same happened with the ghee, oil and honey. This was on the 12th of Baramhat.
God also gave him the gift of studying the psalms and the Holy Bible. One night Michael, the Archangel appeared to Pope "Kyrillos" of "Ethiopia" in a dream, and told him that the next day a dark colored man would go to him, and would kneel before him. That man had a blessed son, and he was chosen for heaven and he was great before God.. "Consecrate him as a Deacon, then leave him go peacefully", he said.
After this was done while the father and the son were returning, the son asked a group of people for a place to spend the night. One of the group insulted him and hit him without cause. The son shouted asking the help of the Archangel and the man was greatly harmed. The son couldn't bear that because he was full of the Holy Spirit, and he prayed for the man to be cured and the angel cured him, so he believed in God and all his friends and family.
While the son and the father were getting back, (after spending the night at "Amhara") their water was finished and the food became less; so the saint prayed aside and God then created a spring so they could drank from.
The saint's parents wanted him to get married, but he refused because he dedicated himself completely to God. So they accepted, but the girl stayed with them at their home (according to the traditions at these countries), but she stayed a virgin as she wished too.. Part 4: His Priesthood
Then he became a priest and his prayers and fasting increased. He stayed with his father until his mother passed away on the 12th of Mesra. Then his father passed away too.
One day while he was practicing his hobby of hunting in the woods, God appeared to him held on the wings of angels saying: "I am your God who protected you since your childhood… Now you hunt people instead of animals. From now your name will be "Takla Hemanoat"." Then the heavenly insight disappeared.
The saint heard that in "Ketana" the people worship a tree that is haunted by a devil which they fear. They were also controlled by a group of magicians. So he went there and prayed until the devil cried out: "Send Takla Hemanoat away. He is dangerous". Then the saint asked for the help of the Archangel and hence asked the tree to follow him. Its roots made a sound like thunder while it was moving and a lot of people were afraid and the roots killed a lot on the road. The devil shouted asking the saint why he was torturing him and if it wasn't enough that he left the land of "Talanes"? The saint asked the devil to confess before all the people that he was cheating and to tell them who the real God is, so the devil confessed that Jesus Christ is the real God.
The saint started preaching the people and they were all baptized. They were 111,500. They constructed a church and had their communion. As for the people who were killed by the devil; Saint Takla prayed to God to arise them from the dead. God answered his prayers. The saint baptized about 60,000 people and all "Ketana" became Christians..
While the saint was devoted to praying and fasting in the desert, he heard a voice calling him 3 times asking him to go to "Damout" because there are many people there who needed preaching. Saint Takla was asked to build a church under the name of Virgin Mary there.
While he was on his way to "Damout", Saint Takla Haymanot was haunted by many devils and he crossed himself to force them away. When he got there, he started breaking all the statues that the people worship.
The saint knew that the son of the prince was haunted by a devil; so he prayed for him and the devil got out in the shape of a monkey. The prince believed in Christ and was baptized along with his wife and son. Saint Takla was able to cure a lot of diseases and got out devils by praying to God.
When king "Montemly" heard that Saint Takla baptized his son, he was very sad and sent his soldiers to the prince to extradite Saint Takla, but the prince refused. So the king sent more soldiers to get the prince and the saint.
When they reached the king, they were tortured a lot, but God's angel cured them. Then they were thrown in a cave full of monsters, but again God's angel got them out safely. Then the king himself tried to throw a spear at Saint Takla, but his hand was paralyzed and he cried of pain. The king then ordered the two men to be hanged on two trees. But when the saint was hanged by the neck in the tree, it bent till the saint's feet reached the ground, and there were holy lights from heaven and people saw angels… All this happened till the king at last believed in God and was baptizedThen one day Jesus Christ appeared to the saint and told him to go to the land of "Amhara" and stay in its monastery until He talks to him again and told him that Michael the Archangel would be with him.
On his way to the land of "Amhara", Saint Takla met a monk and they both went to the monastery on a holy cloud prepared by God till they reached there in two days instead of several months.
When the saint was known all over the place, he asked God to protect him from pride, so Michael the Archangel appeared to him and told him to go to the monastery of "Saint Stephans". On the way he saw a deep river that he couldn't cross, so an angel appeared to him and asked him to follow him on the surface of the water. The angel disappeared and the saint appeared as if he was walking on land, until he reached the other side. He lived there in great awe; always praying and fasting.
One night God showed him the happiness and the glory of the saints in heaven and he became very happy; specially that he always remembered and imagined the souls of the saints.
From there Saint Takla Hemanoat got out to the land of the "Fakharany" with the guidance of the angel. He went there to a saint monk called "John" and remained there under his guidance for 12 years in the monastery of "Adgway".
The angel appeared to the saint and asked him to go to a cave down the valley. The saint said goodbye to the head monk of the monastery and all the monks went out to see him off. The monks were used to tying whoever gets down with a rope (since the monastery was on top of a hill). While Saint Takla was going down, the rope was cut and the monks were terrified, but they saw six wings getting out from his sides, and carried him until he reached the ground. The monks got back glorifying God for his greatness and for protecting his people.

Our saint got down to a big desert, and he found there many saints who were used to fasting for five days and do not eat any food; but they were used to eating from the desert plants and drink from the dew drops on Saturdays and Sundays. He visited many monasteries and churches and he was very keen on visiting Jerusalem, so he went there and saw where Jesus was baptized.
Then the angel of God appeared to Saint Takla telling him to go to the land of "El-Sofan" where his grave would be, and there he should build a church bearing his name.

He last settled in the land of "Shawiry" where he built his well-known monastery known as "Elbianos". Many people followed him and became Monks. He exerted a lot of effort in praying and fasting and kneeling before God. He even used to pray standing on one foot; the right one, until his leg was broken! His monks took it and covered it. He never got out of his cave, but remained there till his death. When Saint Takla's days came to an end, and his body turned like a burned piece of wood, God appeared to him and told him that he would die of plague, and he would go to heaven with three of his followers.
When it was time for him to die, he got sick of the plague as well as three other monks. He saw God, Virgin Mary and many angels headed by the Archangel Michael.. And his cave was lighted with heavenly light, and it was full of a nice scent and his soul was carried to heaven. This was on 24th of Mesra, at the age of 99 years and 8 months.
His followers took his body and mummified it and he was buried in his cave. He remained there outside the monastery for 56 years. In the 57th year, Saint Takla Hemanoat appeared to Pope "Hezkial" (who was "Elishah", his follower) and told him to move his body to the monastery, and he did.
There was a great celebration and the saint told them of a sign that after they carry his body around the alter three times, the lamp would light by its own, and when that happened, everybody was happy. While the people were touring with the body of the saint, a man was tripped over by the people because it was crowded. His leg was broken; but once he touched the body of the saint, he was cured and went walking as if nothing happened. Saint Takla's body was buried under the alter in the church that bears his name in the monastery of "Libanous" in "Shawa".


Empress Zewditu The kind Ethiopian Queen

Empress Zewditu was the daughter of Emperor Menelik II, by Woizero Abechi, a woman of mid-level nobility, born shortly after Menelik returned to Shewa following his captivity at Magdalla. Woizero Abechi died while Zewditu was still a very young child, so Zewditu was raised by her father, in the care of nannies, and was closer to him than any other person save his wife Empress Taitu. Zewditu also had a half sister, Woizero Shewaregga Menelik, the mother of Lij Eyasu, and a half brother, Prince Asfaw Wossen Menelik, who died in 1888 while still a child. She was often refered to by her close relatives by the nickname of "Mamite" which translates to "Baby". Unlike most of the rest of the Shewan aristocracy, Zewditu had very good relations with Empress Taitu. Although Taitu was brusque, and a stern mistress of Menelik's household, Zewditu had deep affection for her step-mother. Taitu returned Zewditu's affection, although often dispairing of her behavior. She believed that Zewditu was overly familiar with the palace serving maids saying "It's imposible to separate Mamite from the servants". She often scolded her for not maintaining the dignity of a daughter of the House of Solomon. Zewditu had earned a reputation of kindness and completely lacked the haughty and imperious attitude of her step-mother and other female relatives. Zewditu treated everyone with the same sweet friendliness whether they were royalty or simple servants. Underlying these traits was a truely innocent naivete that endeared her to many, but would perhaps be a drawback to her eventually. Zewditu was married in 1882 at the age of 9 to Ras Araya Selassie Yohannis, son and heir of Emperor Yohannis IV, in order to cement the agreement between her father and the emperor when Menelik (then king of Shewa) submitted to Yohannis. However, Ras Araya Selassie died in 1888, and Zewditu, who had not produced any children returned to Shewa. Ras Araya had fathered a son, Gugsa, by another woman. Zewditu maintaied very warm relations with her father-in-law who was very fond of Zewditu. Yohannis IV was very angered when Zewditu's father rebled against him shortly after the death of Ras Araya Selassie. Zewditu, upon recieving news that her father had rebled agains the emperor, is said to have wept bitterly, saying "My father and the Emperor would never have quarelled if only my husband had lived." When the Emperor's informants told Yohannis IV of Zewditu's comments, he was much moved, and had her summoned, and the two of them wept over the cruel fate of Ras Araya together. The Emperor then returned Zewditu to Shewa, eventhough her father was still defying him, along with a huge gift of cattle and property in 1889. Emperor Yohannis IV continued to hold Zewditu in deep affection until his death. Zewditu did not stay a widow for long. In 1891, Zewditu married Dejazmatch Gwangul Zegeye. The marriage was short lived, not more than a few months, but Zewditu did have a daughter by him, who died in 1895 at the age of 4. Zewditu then married Wube Atnaf Seged, an unhappy marriage that ended in divorce after two and a half years. In 1900, at the suggestion of her step-mother, Zewditu married Ras Gugsa Welle, son of Ras Welle Bitul and nephew of Taitu. Ras Welle was ruler of Simien and Yejju and younger brother of Empress Taitu Bitul. This marriage bound the princess even more closely to her stepmother, and the marriage proved to be a generaly happy one. Zewditu had no children who survived to adulthood.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Should Sileshe Shine start his own brand of silver wear

I feel really sorry for Sileshi Shine it cant be easy when your best friend the 'chosen one' Kenenisa springs up from behind and beats you every damn race. I wonder how many silver medals he has collected along the years hes always second Kenenisa is always first then followed by a Kenyan. Seleshi Shine should start manufacturing his own brand of silver wear called the 'sileshi shiny silver collection' I think hes very talented and he may even beat Kenenisa 'sigh one day in his dreams' he needs his confidence and buld himself up, Kenenisa has the whole world plus Ethiopia telling him he will win gold hes the lion the anbessa and even has a song after him I root the under dog its about time Sileshe gets some support. Seleshi also doesnt have to put up with his best mate winning all the gold medals but his wife the legend Tirunesh Dibaba is also a medal collector with her double whamy of gold medals from races around the world plus the olympics. She even has a hospital named after her the 'Beijing Dibaba Hospital' Poor Sileshi is overpowered , I really hope one day he wins Gold.

Birhanu and ToKicho - Yambule (Ethiopian Music)

This music is Wolytinya southern Ethiopia the beat is excellant and thought I should share this video with you

Kenenisa Bekele The Road Runner of Athletics

Kenenisa is the new Haile Gebre Selassie of the tracks. I remember being bored watching long distance running but now I get hooked on the race from start to finish. The Ethiopian runners are so exciting to watch. What amazes me is his pace and stamina the last lap how he sprints like a road runner does he have some reserved energy up his sleeve? How does he psych himself to suddenly do a fast lap at the end of the race or is it the bell that wakes him up. The man is such a legend and will be up there with the great Ethiopian runners such as Haile Gebre Selassie and and Abebe Bekila. I even like his little gesture he does at the end of the race the Ethiopian 'cross bow and arrow' Denise Lewis made a very rude comment about his arms may not be as big as Bolt's but if it is an Ethiopian way of celebrating then let it be. What she meant to say was his arms may not be as beefy as hers but hes cool regardless. I hope he wins this Sunday and I will be cheering him on I wonder when he will sprint away from the crowd this tie BEEP BEEP

Is the Black family unit being broken down in the UK?

I don't know about the US but here in the UK I am seeing less and less black couples or black couples getting married. I see lots of black guys with white girls and every race in the planet but black women on the street but its rare to see two black couples in the street. Which is why me and my other halve get plenty of stares when we go out. I remember back in the day when it was rare to see a black man with a white woman but you would see plenty of black guys with their black girlfriends now its the other way round. Most black guys are choosing not to date black girls and are blatantly open about it and even insult black girls how they are not as attractive. I would like to address this question because there a lot of black girls who not only feel insecure because the media ignores them blatantly, I mean they are never featured on lads magazines or on posters or TV and their own brothers even discriminate from dating them. Just look at those footballers have you seen a black footballer with black girl I mean today's generation? they re-cycle celebrity socialites fro Danielle Lloydd to Gemma from Holly Oaks. This devastating trend is having an affect on most black families as you find the girls who are eager to either just get pregnant and accept that no one will marry them or stay single and hope someone will come along considering their are more black females out there looking for a match things can get ugly and a lots of girls have expressed them worrying some woman will steal their man or flirting via facebook. Black women in the UK need to wake and realise 'Houston we have a problem' either the black girls are giving wrong vibes or they need to be smarter and get the most out of the relationship not by entrapment and jealousy. I think this topic needs to be raised as black girls can offer a lot in a relationship and need to find a way to reclaim their en why should they be left on the shelves fighting over the no good for nothing scrubs get the good ones who are on the same level as them just because they have moved up in the world does not mean hey are out of bounds 'erhem footballers'

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Identity Issue

Here we are most of us are second Generation East Africans living in the UK. However as we become more submersed in British culture and Britishness. All we have to identify ourselves with is the reminisce of our East African identity. Where are you from? They ask. ‘Let me guess I know could you be from Somalia? No Djibouti or Eritrea? Close I say oh ok you’re Ethiopian. The person then usually replies Oh I once had an Ethiopian friend. I m like great considering there are more Ethiopians abroad than Ethiopia.

As I have grown older I have come to question what it actually means to be an East African in the UK. I find the Asian community fascinating because they relate to each other even though they have different religions and cultures. Then there are the African community and when I mean African I mean predominately West Africans, they have no
Problem gelling and have more things in common ranging from gelof rice to the sounds
of their music.
Then there are the people of the horn such as myself who only have contact with one another during warfare back home, how do these people live together in the UK?

Most Ethiopians stick to one another and so do Eritrean and the Somalians. However what is interesting is that they live side to side with one another but do not combine and mix with each other due to mistrust, although the younger generations are more sociable.
The communities in London live near each other and there is a trend that the young east Africans due to being educated and reared in London, have started to form clubs and
hang out places. This is a long cry from the war mongering 1970’s era, when the horn was a place to fight and camouflage was the colour to be seen?
In London there are various gangs around as most young people form, to feel part of a social network, but what is interesting is those countries around the horn have toned down there political agendas and formed what is an East African identity.

This does however leave me this significant question without war and poverty and hunger were does that leave the horn? Could peace and stability be the new horn of Africa? How will the west react, how can they show fat east African babies? That doesn’t fit with our image of being a starving nation? So how do glamorous super models like Liya Kebede and Iman and stylish glossy magazines like Sheeko fit with East Africans?
I suppose this could be the new way forward for a peaceful and rich East Africa.