How many times have you seen a starving image of an African and turned the page turned a blind eye to their plight so what? They may be black but why should I donate they are not my relatives they speak a different language and have an accent. They aren’t from my hood so why should I care?
Now imagine a white person sees a picture of a starving European but lives in America this is what they will say 'oh my gosh my poor European descendants needs my help and I will donate ASAP'! That would be their answer.
Being of Ethiopian descendent I’m fully aware that giving is not in our culture we only donate money to needy relatives and the church who have millions of dollars of money, people think if they donate to the church they will go to heaven (selfish reasons again). This is why the Ethiopian famine happened those starving northerners were forgotten unless they had a relative in the town centre to help them, the nation including the government watched them starve they did not care. I am increasingly becoming frustrated that black people do not care when their people are starving and it’s always the white people to come to the rescue with a big save east, north, south Africa campaign why is this? I will list the possibilities:
1) Selfish: we could blame it on slavery but as far as I’m concerned there was no slavery in Ethiopia so that doesn’t count. They are quick to run to war and defend a barren dry land but when people are starving they turn a blind eye.
2) Clannish divided mentality why should I help those people they are not from my tribe they are not my relatives, when they think of each others as hostile enemies it’s easier to ignore them when they are in trouble and starving hence why no one will care.
3) I don’t know but there is a culture of bragging if you see the music videos like rap they only rap about one thing money yes they finally got money and everyone is jealous of them how many times do we have to hear this!. Here are a few lyrics rappers re-cycle over and over again.
'Why you watching my ride, you hating'
'Ever since this money and fame people clocking my chain blah blah' repetitive bullshit
'Have a baby by me baby be a millionaire' (unfortunately a lot of dumb girls actually fall for this even if he isn’t 50 Cent (RIP your social life)
4) There is always a culture of jealousy and hostility in all black communities maybe I am generalizing but there is a lot of hating they don’t want you to do better than them so if there are a lots of starving Africans subconsciously they’re probably thinking ‘oh I’m doing better than them at least who knows in some weird psycho way (I’m trying to be clever here) It’s better to state the obvious than pretend it doesn’t exist in our community because it does. Black people generally live for themselves think to benefit them only and their children but not others from poorer backgrounds as they are competing with them in every way. Due to the lack of community and organized support there are more poorer black people in America and Africa because of the way they think.
This blog is about seeing life through an afro carribean/black 20 something viewpoint. I feel the media does not view us in a positive light and I decided to take matters into my own hand and promote positive cultured articles about black people and black businesses and history that you would never see.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
Friday, 18 December 2009
The Donkey Library
The donkey library is a new initiative set up by Link Ethiopia to have a mobile library on a donkey or a mule to reach highland regions in Ethiopia where there are no roads. I think this is a wonderful idea and a great way of helping education in rural forgotten regions. These children do not have access to any means of books and resources they are virtually cut off and people should support this charity as education will help these children out of poverty.
Here is the facebook fan page below where you can see the donkey library in action in the high terrain of northern Ethiopia and theres a link where you can support the library by donating some money to the cause.
The children are very happy about the books arriving in their village!
Here is the facebook fan page below where you can see the donkey library in action in the high terrain of northern Ethiopia and theres a link where you can support the library by donating some money to the cause.
The children are very happy about the books arriving in their village!
The meaning of the new phrase Afro Centric
Afro centric is the word used to describe an intelligent black person who doesn’t believe what he is told to believe by the mainstream white society. These new phrase is used by western so called educated ‘the truth’ theories of established Ivy League anthropologists and historians. They paint the brush on all black anthropologists and historians as Afro Centric, because they refuse to follow a dated bias racist view of the world and history starting from evolution of mankind, eugenics to African history ancient and modern.
A lot of historians spend a lot of time and energy on Darwinism and evolving from monkeys and seem to have this view that Africans are the primitive of all humankind and are closer to animals. This is far from the truth Africans have the most underestimated culture in the world. As a result of peoples lack of knowledge of the continent historians end up writing a whole lot of thesis and books on people with a hint of falseness and bias. When these black educated historians challenge the views held about them they are called Afro centric and members of the Black Panther movement. Things are changing thanks to the internet and more of these so called black historians are getting a lot of support from people who are not happy with the general upheld view of black people and their history. I have actually heard of children challenging historians in school thanks to the internet they have a broader view of the world and are smart to not just believe what they are being told to believe, This is wonderful people are waking up not just black people even all races they are starting to challenge the upheld view of people of all cultures not just a couple of elite educated people from two universities of the world.
A lot of historians spend a lot of time and energy on Darwinism and evolving from monkeys and seem to have this view that Africans are the primitive of all humankind and are closer to animals. This is far from the truth Africans have the most underestimated culture in the world. As a result of peoples lack of knowledge of the continent historians end up writing a whole lot of thesis and books on people with a hint of falseness and bias. When these black educated historians challenge the views held about them they are called Afro centric and members of the Black Panther movement. Things are changing thanks to the internet and more of these so called black historians are getting a lot of support from people who are not happy with the general upheld view of black people and their history. I have actually heard of children challenging historians in school thanks to the internet they have a broader view of the world and are smart to not just believe what they are being told to believe, This is wonderful people are waking up not just black people even all races they are starting to challenge the upheld view of people of all cultures not just a couple of elite educated people from two universities of the world.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
The fuss over Tiger Woods?
I still do not understand the fuss over Tiger Woods infidelity. Why is the media treating him as if hes the first man to ever cheat on a woman. Does him being black mean he has to be faithful because hes landed the ultimate prize a beautiful blond woman since becoming a golfing legend. David Beckham has always cheated on his wife and even smiles when Victoria is going through pain, yet the media never said a bad thing about David. Tiger Woods is being made to apologize and take time out to save his family apparantly, hes doing no different to what all those other athletes are doing yet because hes with a white woman and happens to be black its a crime.
Its also obvious the court will be racist towards Tiger and make sure his wife takes the majorty of all his money. As much as I feel sorry for him I also do not, because black men like him who finally make it in the world only marry white women to fit into the world.. They choose to marry these women for the wrong reasons and the woman for one reason money ££$$, so when the woman decides to leave him she clears all his money backed with with the press's blessing. Marrying a white woman doesnt prevent you from escaping racism and sheltering behind her is not going to save you, those vultures are waiting for things to go wrong and then your wife will also become one of those vultures when lawyers and money is involved, lets face it you both come from different worlds anyway. All these black celebs who married white women all their marriage has ended with the athletes name in tatters, broke or in a loony bin.
Frank Brunu, his wife divorced him took all his money and he went mad and went to rehab
Chris Eubank; the biggest confused boxer ever who wanted to be an English gentleman, he would wear tweed in the summer as well as a grandfathers clock watch, after a reality show his wife was enjoying the limelight and decided she no longer wants him. The judge decided she keeps his houses, holiday homes and a lump sum of divorce money. No one knows where Chris Eubank is hiding now but to be honest who cares?
Teary Henry
His wife divorced him on ground she was envious of him spending time in France where he is from with his friends. The judge concludes she gets atleast 7 million for 3 years of marriage,
Ashley Cole
Ashley is shaking in his boots he feel very insecure his wife is counting the days when to divorce him and take his money backed with the press's blessing lets face it it Ashley marrying the nations sweet heart doesnt mean anyone is going to love you, your still black and we live in a racist society you married her for the wrong reasons and there is no love stop pretending.
Its also obvious the court will be racist towards Tiger and make sure his wife takes the majorty of all his money. As much as I feel sorry for him I also do not, because black men like him who finally make it in the world only marry white women to fit into the world.. They choose to marry these women for the wrong reasons and the woman for one reason money ££$$, so when the woman decides to leave him she clears all his money backed with with the press's blessing. Marrying a white woman doesnt prevent you from escaping racism and sheltering behind her is not going to save you, those vultures are waiting for things to go wrong and then your wife will also become one of those vultures when lawyers and money is involved, lets face it you both come from different worlds anyway. All these black celebs who married white women all their marriage has ended with the athletes name in tatters, broke or in a loony bin.
Frank Brunu, his wife divorced him took all his money and he went mad and went to rehab
Chris Eubank; the biggest confused boxer ever who wanted to be an English gentleman, he would wear tweed in the summer as well as a grandfathers clock watch, after a reality show his wife was enjoying the limelight and decided she no longer wants him. The judge decided she keeps his houses, holiday homes and a lump sum of divorce money. No one knows where Chris Eubank is hiding now but to be honest who cares?
Teary Henry
His wife divorced him on ground she was envious of him spending time in France where he is from with his friends. The judge concludes she gets atleast 7 million for 3 years of marriage,
Ashley Cole
Ashley is shaking in his boots he feel very insecure his wife is counting the days when to divorce him and take his money backed with the press's blessing lets face it it Ashley marrying the nations sweet heart doesnt mean anyone is going to love you, your still black and we live in a racist society you married her for the wrong reasons and there is no love stop pretending.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Journalists are the most hated people in Ethiopia
It must be rather frustrating for the journalists of Ethiopia they have very limited topics to talk about incase it offends the rulling party who have a iron grip on the country in everyway from the economy to the choice of music thats played from their cars. Patriotic music is banned and superstar singer like Teddy Afro are thrown in prison and released to subdue him and join the oligarchy and stop giving free public uplifting conerts. Journalists are persecuted if their article has a hint of insulting the government in anyway, they must write articles that praise the governements work only and ignore the negative things around like the extreme hunger and poverty the sale children to every tourist who can buy one child get the sibling free. The jouranlists are banned from reporting the high number of Ethiopian maids murdered or comitting suicide due to inhumane working conditions in Arab countries. These women are routinely picked and promised work by government agencies that exports the women for a fee. So many Ethiopian private magazines are closing down because of a word or an article or a picture of the lion judah, its becoming hard for them to ignore the lack of freedom of speech and freedom to support another political party so they are the prisoners of all because they are being told what to write with a gun pointing at them. Journalists are good informers and keep politicians in check and in line they are the windows to what is going on the governement which politician bought a yatch using food aid money. In England is a country which respects journalists. They are currently grilling insulting holding public debates with politicians that are using public tax payers money to buy a duck house refurbish their second homes and taxi fares. see Yet in Ethiopia journalists can not talk about stolen food aid money kept in swiss bank accounts, monopolisation of the ethiopian economy and land to benefit the people in power. The farmers are treated like serfs in their own land feeding the city dwellers with no profit for themsleves at all. Politicians of Ethiopia are the richest not only do they rule with mafia like behaviour, they also own lots of businesses. Private investors have no chance with government owned businesses. The government owned businesses create bogus laws such as taking away of land and rebuking licences, if they feel somonelse is a threat to them. They misuse the law and take advantage of their postition, journalists are forced to ignore these injustices and accept it. Most journalists are supporting local business ran by hard working members of the public, who are not pouring in bribery money or have soldiers to scare the competition. They operate in covert ways of informing the public in what is happening, their meanings have a double meaning like the ancient Ethiopian tradition of sem ena work which means wax and gold. However on the internet its a different story Ethiopian political refugees grill the ethiopian rulling party EPRF on banned websites that cannot be seen in Ethiopia. Webizines such as are great sources for current news on Ethiopia they are not propaganda based and the writers have no guns pointing at them. People of ethiopian backgrounds are visiting the site on a great basis and people from outside Ethiopia also visit the website to get a clear veiw of whats happening in the country if they choose to invest rather than the painted rosy biased governent flashy websites. this particular article is very interesting because the governement would deny they shut down the news paper through some fancy tax payers food aid funded webiste like this
Monday, 7 December 2009
Letoya Luckett featuring Ludacris Regret
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Office Parties and Dramas
Office politics is politics that happens as soon as you step into the office building past the very bored receptionist who doesnt do anything but stare at your new outfit or if it happened to have been a windy morning snigger at your messy hair which was neat before you left home.
In the office you have to behave a certain way, being emotional is not encouraged and is seen as a weakness unless your leaving to say goodbye. Office christmas parties are a continuation of work poltics however under the influence of alcohol it becomes very hard to keep up with the jones's. So it becomes a dragons pitt to see who falls on the floor first, who flirts and gets turned down but styles out. Its a glass house where one is very aware of their surroundings and is trying not to look desprate and awkward so, they will make some one else who gives them a chance make them look stupid and create a scene. I remember one christmas party I went to a couple of years ago, a very pretty naive girl decides to come to the christmas party lets call her Helen. Helen had on her nice cleavage showing top and let her long black silky hair down. Now none of the girls wanted to stand next to her so they ignored her, the problem with this girl is she doesnt know how to play office christmas party politics, she wanted some of the guys attention but didnt do it in a smart way she would be very loud and liked the attention the guys gave her. Now they wouldnt mind flirting with her alone, but when they spoke to her she made it a show and the guy involved didnt like that attention from the rest of the wall flowers, who were not happy this pretty flower was stealing their chance of getting a guy. So the guy in the party realising his moves are causing a scene decides to step back and talk to the office ugly bitch who controls the show. So what happened was poor Helen felt rather isolated and was not used to being treated this way, she normally gets what she wants and couldnt understand why all the guys even the average looking guys, would not flirt with and are avoiding her. Could she have turned ugly in that past hour? She goes through emotions and also backed by alcohol makes a scene. The office hunk decides to look for his coat on the pile of stacked coats and accidentley drops Helens clutch bag on the floor. As it fell the bag opened and the contents fell out, of which was her pink lip gloss a tampon and her sparkly pink blackberry. Now Helen realises her sacred pink possesions where on the floor for the preying eyes to see, panicks and rushes to the floor when she realises it was the office hunk who threw the bag she yelps my bag! Thinking he will rush to pick up her items he simply says 'im sorry it fell off by mistake.' Now Helen already was feeling upset at the whole night and just bursts out crying. Now the office hunk, panics as all eyes turn on him as Helen cries her eyes out from a distance it looks like a lovers tiff oh and Helen did cry him a river. The girls ran to Helen and comfort her. What happened? they ask, she couldnt speak as she was wailing and gulping, you wouldnt think it was because her bag fell on the floor. The office hunk is seen as the villain, he panics and says 'I havent done anything all I said was it was a mistake that her bag fell, Im not apologizing! He gets even more frustrated with every crocodile tear she cries, the office party becomes a scene from the Bold and the Beautiful with a damsell in distress and villain in the side line huffing and puffing.
In the office you have to behave a certain way, being emotional is not encouraged and is seen as a weakness unless your leaving to say goodbye. Office christmas parties are a continuation of work poltics however under the influence of alcohol it becomes very hard to keep up with the jones's. So it becomes a dragons pitt to see who falls on the floor first, who flirts and gets turned down but styles out. Its a glass house where one is very aware of their surroundings and is trying not to look desprate and awkward so, they will make some one else who gives them a chance make them look stupid and create a scene. I remember one christmas party I went to a couple of years ago, a very pretty naive girl decides to come to the christmas party lets call her Helen. Helen had on her nice cleavage showing top and let her long black silky hair down. Now none of the girls wanted to stand next to her so they ignored her, the problem with this girl is she doesnt know how to play office christmas party politics, she wanted some of the guys attention but didnt do it in a smart way she would be very loud and liked the attention the guys gave her. Now they wouldnt mind flirting with her alone, but when they spoke to her she made it a show and the guy involved didnt like that attention from the rest of the wall flowers, who were not happy this pretty flower was stealing their chance of getting a guy. So the guy in the party realising his moves are causing a scene decides to step back and talk to the office ugly bitch who controls the show. So what happened was poor Helen felt rather isolated and was not used to being treated this way, she normally gets what she wants and couldnt understand why all the guys even the average looking guys, would not flirt with and are avoiding her. Could she have turned ugly in that past hour? She goes through emotions and also backed by alcohol makes a scene. The office hunk decides to look for his coat on the pile of stacked coats and accidentley drops Helens clutch bag on the floor. As it fell the bag opened and the contents fell out, of which was her pink lip gloss a tampon and her sparkly pink blackberry. Now Helen realises her sacred pink possesions where on the floor for the preying eyes to see, panicks and rushes to the floor when she realises it was the office hunk who threw the bag she yelps my bag! Thinking he will rush to pick up her items he simply says 'im sorry it fell off by mistake.' Now Helen already was feeling upset at the whole night and just bursts out crying. Now the office hunk, panics as all eyes turn on him as Helen cries her eyes out from a distance it looks like a lovers tiff oh and Helen did cry him a river. The girls ran to Helen and comfort her. What happened? they ask, she couldnt speak as she was wailing and gulping, you wouldnt think it was because her bag fell on the floor. The office hunk is seen as the villain, he panics and says 'I havent done anything all I said was it was a mistake that her bag fell, Im not apologizing! He gets even more frustrated with every crocodile tear she cries, the office party becomes a scene from the Bold and the Beautiful with a damsell in distress and villain in the side line huffing and puffing.
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