Saturday, 5 December 2009

Office Parties and Dramas

Office politics is politics that happens as soon as you step into the office building past the very bored receptionist who doesnt do anything but stare at your new outfit or if it happened to have been a windy morning snigger at your messy hair which was neat before you left home.
In the office you have to behave a certain way, being emotional is not encouraged and is seen as a weakness unless your leaving to say goodbye. Office christmas parties are a continuation of work poltics however under the influence of alcohol it becomes very hard to keep up with the jones's. So it becomes a dragons pitt to see who falls on the floor first, who flirts and gets turned down but styles out. Its a glass house where one is very aware of their surroundings and is trying not to look desprate and awkward so, they will make some one else who gives them a chance make them look stupid and create a scene. I remember one christmas party I went to a couple of years ago, a very pretty naive girl decides to come to the christmas party lets call her Helen. Helen had on her nice cleavage showing top and let her long black silky hair down. Now none of the girls wanted to stand next to her so they ignored her, the problem with this girl is she doesnt know how to play office christmas party politics, she wanted some of the guys attention but didnt do it in a smart way she would be very loud and liked the attention the guys gave her. Now they wouldnt mind flirting with her alone, but when they spoke to her she made it a show and the guy involved didnt like that attention from the rest of the wall flowers, who were not happy this pretty flower was stealing their chance of getting a guy.  So the guy in the party realising his moves are causing a scene decides to step back and talk to the office ugly bitch who controls the show. So what happened was poor Helen felt rather isolated and was not used to being treated this way, she normally gets what she wants and couldnt understand why all the guys even the average looking guys, would not flirt with and are avoiding her. Could she have turned ugly in that past hour? She goes through emotions and also backed by alcohol makes a scene. The office hunk decides to look for his coat on the pile of stacked coats and accidentley drops Helens clutch bag on the floor. As it fell the bag opened  and the contents fell out, of which was  her pink lip gloss a tampon and her sparkly pink blackberry. Now Helen realises her sacred pink possesions where on the floor for the preying eyes to see, panicks and rushes to the floor when she realises it was the office hunk who threw the bag she yelps my bag! Thinking he will rush to pick up her items he simply says 'im sorry it fell off by mistake.' Now Helen already was feeling upset at the whole night and just bursts out crying. Now the office hunk, panics as all eyes turn on him as Helen cries her eyes out from a distance it looks like a lovers tiff oh and Helen did cry him a river. The girls ran to Helen and comfort her. What happened? they ask, she couldnt speak as she was wailing and gulping, you wouldnt think it was because her bag fell on the floor. The office hunk is seen as the villain, he panics and says 'I havent done anything all I said was it was a mistake that her bag fell, Im not apologizing! He gets even more frustrated with every crocodile tear she cries, the office party becomes a scene from the Bold and the Beautiful with a damsell in distress and villain in the side line huffing and puffing.

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