Friday, 25 September 2009

Ethiopian influence on Arabia before Islam

Ethiopia and Arabia had pleanty of history before Islam and there is historical evidence that the ancient Ethiopians introduced christianity in Yemen and Saudia Arabia. There was also a large settlement of Ethiopians living in Arabia. Everybody has this idea that it was the ancient Arabs who moved to Ethiopia to create the Axum empire when it was the other way round. The Ethiopians came from the highlands and migrated to Arabia for trade and war purposes. What makes this also interesting is Ethiopia was christian before most of the world so a missionary didnt come on the basis to save an unbeliever nomads life. The king embraced Christianity changing the state religion to christianity and was so touched he tried to bring it to the middle east, imagine a black missionary they must have been miffed? (an ancient toga wearing one) At this time the only people that were christian is the people of the ancient world around Nubia Egypt Syria and in Rome. The ancient Ethiopians had an established empire and that stretched from the whole of the horn of Africa till halve of Egypt and India. Yet the world historians are adament to destroy history and associate anyone who is dark brown and from Africa with slavery. It just shows how the western world is not willing to accept the truth. Any free standing statues that are clearly in Africa are explained to have been built by invaders sometimes aliens as Africans are not capable of building such sophisticated sculptures, they live the simple life of throwing spears at rabbits and running away from lions. Its even sad when people that are not african such as Arabs take credit for such manual invloved tasks as building pyramids and of stocky men with broad noses. When I saw the frankinsence trail on the BBC the presenter went to Najran where the famouse Ethiopian and Persian battle took place. I even spotted old GEEZ writing on the walls and was amazed to find the inscription still there which proves the Ethiopians had lived there she did however mention the massacre of 20.000 Ethiopian christians but did not mention that they were Ethiopian nor did she mention that the Ethiopian Emperor at the time was so horrified he got a large army of Ethiopians and Nubians soldiers under Abraha and defeated the persians jewish Himyarits that did this and controlled Yemen and Saudi for 70years before they got ousted back into the highlands after the rise of Islam. The presenter made no mention of the fact there was ancient amharic on the bloody rocks and the ignorant guide would not even mention it. I also heard to this day that in Najran Christians still live there and it is a holy city because of the Ethiopians.

Ancient Ethiopian Invasion of Southern Arabia

About one century before the birth of Islam, Abyssinia played a significant role in the region of Arabia, more influencing than that of the other neighbours. Two centuries before Islam, namely at the end of the fourth century A.D., the king of Yemen embraced Judaism, and thereby Judaism became the state religion of that land. Then a man named Dhunuvas in Yemen decided to put pressure upon everyone who did not follow the Jewish faith. Then reports reached him that in Najran, a city in neighbouring Hejaz Christianity was spreading. Dhunuvas launched a campaign against Najran, and started persecuting and killing people. He had trenches filled with fire and cast the Christians of Najran into those. One of the Christians of Najran fled to the court of the Roman emperor, and said to him "You call yourself the emperor of Christians, see what are they doing to us Christians there." The Emperor answered that he was too far from that land, but "We have a coreligionist in the Emperor of Abyssinia to whom I will write to come to your assistance." This incident has been recorded in Islamic as well as European sources in an identical manner. The Emperor of Abyssinia dispatched an army to Yemen under a commander named Eryat. among whose officers was a man called Abraha. The army entered Yemen and Dhunuvas was defeated, who in his flight jumped into the sea with his horse and met his end. In this way Yemen became a colony of Abyssinia, and Eryat. its governor. They tried to propagate Christianity in Yemen which led to an incident between Eryat. and Abraha which we will proceed to recount in the following.
d) The Story of Abraha
Abraha was a competent officer in Eryat's army who did not think much of his commander, and so he decided to wrest power from him, and with the aid of his subordinates rose against Eryat.
The Abyssinians got divided into two groups: one group supported Abraha, while the other favourcd Eryat, and got ready to fight. On the day of battle Abraha sent a message for Eryat, saying that it was futile for the Abyssinians to kill each other, and added: "As the dispute is between you and me, let the two of us have a man-to-man fight, and let the victor take the command of the army " Eryat w agreed and in the fight he was killed and Abraha took the reins of power in his hands. Negus, emperor of Abyssinia, was enraged on hearing that the second in command has killed his appointed supreme commander, and swore that he would not rest until he had trampled upon the soil of Yemen and pulled off the hairs of Abraha.
The report reached Abraha that the Emperor was greatly annoyed with him. He filled a box with the soil of Yemen and ordered the hair of his head be shaved off and sent it to the Emperor along with a number of gifts and presents. He sent an accompanying message that he was sorry that the Emperor had become annoyed with him whereas he remained his loyal servant. He added that two of the Emperor's officers had a fight and one overcame the other and that the honour of the Emperor was in no way involved. He appealed that in order to honour the Emperor's oath, he was sending both his hairs and Yemeni soil for. the Emperor to trample on. The emperor was so pleased at this cleverness that he confrrmed him in his appointment as commander in Yemen, and Abraha proceeded to impose Christianity upon the people.[68]
He decided to spread Christianity in Yemen and uproot Judaism and every other faith in the land. Abraha's close associates told him that all his efforts were just confined to Yemen whereas the people of the Arabian peninsula were devoted to another place, namely the Kaaba in Mecca, owing to its age old standing and high prestige and that he should take steps in that direction. Incidentally Abraha had built a very fine church in the capital of Yemen and has adorned it with the most beautiful stones, including the stones remaining from the ancient palace of the Queen of Shiba. But when he noticed that his beautiful church had little attraction for the people against the simple stone structure in Mecca, he decided to do whatever possible to end the influence of the Ka'aba.
e) The Event of Aam-ul-Feel
Meanwhile a rumour spread among the people that Abraha had decided to demolish the Ka'aba. This caused a commotion among certain Arab people, and one Arab, hearing of Abraha's intention, went to Yemen, entered the church at night and polluted it with- his urine. This incident enraged Abraha and the Christians. They told him that, that was how much the Arabs respected his Church! Abraha asked what was the reason for that? They replied because they were devoted to Ka'aba in their heart of hearts and the news that you intended to destroy the Ka'aba had reached them. Abraha said that if that was the way it was, when it was no more than a rumour, then he was decided to destroy Ka'aba. He mobilised his forces and proceeded towards Mecca, and on his way vanquished all the Arab tribes that offered any resistance. On approaching Mecca he sent a messenger to find out whoever was the chief of Mecca and to summon him. He was informed that the chief of Mecca was an old man named Abdul-Mutallib. But before he could be contacted, Abraha's soldiers plundered all the sheep, cows and camels around Mecca including two hundred camels belonging to Abdul-Mutallib. After consulting his friends Abdul-Mut.allib decided to pay a visit to Abraha. The latter arranged a formal audience, sitting upon a throne and surrounded by his officers. It is said that when Abdul-Mutallib entered, Abraha was so impressed by his dignity and bearing that he descended from his throne, sat down on a mattress and asked Abdul-Mutallib to sit beside him. This dignified carriage is what the historians call the radiance of prophethood in the bodies of the prophet's ancestors.
Abraha said to him: "I have no issue with the people of Mecca. I have only come to destroy the Ka'aba, and if you do not confront me, I will carry out this task and turn back, without shedding any blood." Abdul-Mutallib advised him against his intention, but he refused to change his mind. Abdul-Mutallib then asked him why had he been summoned there, Abraha said that he had come to see him, did he want anything of him. He had thought that Abdul-Mut.allib might come up with some bargaining to save Ka'aba. Abdul-Mutallib said that he had no request to make except to demand the return of his two hundred camels which had been seized. Abraha expressed surprise at this trifling request, and said that he had expected him to intercede for the city and its people and Ka'aba. Abdul-Mutallib answered the reason why he did not intercede for the Ka'aba was that he realised that the people of Mecca had no power to resist Abraha's forces, and Ka'aba had its owner who is Allah and He would take care of His own house. Abraha was moved at these words, but he felt that he had come to carry out a mission. So he ordered the return of Abdul-Mutallib's camels to him, and warned the people of Mecca to evacuate the city and take refuge in the neighbouring hills. The people evacuated the city at once to prevent the loss of life, and Abraha prepared to demolish the Ka'aba with the aid of his army and the elephants which he had brought with him. This story has been narrated differently by Arab and European historians. The Greek and European version is that an epidemic of typhoid and smallpox at that time so annihilated Abraha's army that they could not carry out the attack. But the Islamic historian's version which is based on the Qur'an and what eye-witnesses had reported, is, according to the Arab captives in Abraha's army, that a vast flock of small birds like swallows, carrying pebbles in their beaks darkened the sky and pelted them down upon the heads of Abraha's army causing deep puncture-like wounds killing many It is also said that at the same time for the first time in Arabia, the diseases of typhoid and smallpox appeared in Arabia affecting the whole army. Abraha himself suffered from smallpox, and remained alive only until he reached Yemen and died there. This is the theme mentioned in the holy Qur'an, Chapter 105 'Feel' (Elephant) as follows:
"Have you not considered how your Lord dealt with the possessors of the elephant? Did He not cause their war to end in confusion, and send down (to prey) upon them birds in flocks, casting stones of baked clay, so He rendered them like straw eaten up?"
There is a perfect harmony between what the Greek historian who is the original source of European version, and Islamic historians who have narrated this episode except that the Greek historian makes no mention of the birds. It needs no emphasis however, that the report of eye-witnesses would be far more reliable than the narration of a historian sitting hundreds of miles away from the scene of occurrence and above all the text of the holy Qur'an itself leaves no room for doubt.
Anyhow, Abraha and his Abyssinian army returned to Yemen, and this part of Arabia, namely Mecca and Medina, remained as before.[69] But despite the strained relations between the Abyssinian government and the people of Mecca and Medina, trade relations continued between them until the birth of Islam.

Supermodel Liya Kebede in 'Desert Flower'

Supermodel Liya Kebede has starred in a new film which premiers this month called Desert Flower' Its based on the best seller book about the Somalian super model Waris Dirie's life in war torn Somalia and her FGM that she went through and her rise into a Supermodel status. She talks about the painful ritual of FGM which is practised in Somalia heavily and most Moslem countries around Africa. Liya Kebede is actually a good actress and she suprised me I've never heard her speak and I am looking forward to her starring in more films. This film highlights the backward custom of FGM and will hopefully raise awareness stop such a practice that has been passed on generations in rural African countries. People should not look at the film with an ignorant judgement and it doesnt mean everyone in africa has gone through this but it does happen and more work should be done to stop it.

Watch the trailer

Are Ethiopian girls hard to date openly?

There seems to be a lot of interest in trying to date other nationalities as we are becoming a more globalised world where nothing is out of reach anymore a lot of men especially African American and generally other nationalities cannot understand why East Africans stick to their own and only date people from their own country. Actually I will rephrase my answer they date other nationalities but always marry their own people. I understand a lot of African Americans and black British do not understand such blatant racism here is the biggest response to this at the end of the day whites will all group us as black anyway so why cant you all just date one another. People do not understand that Africa is not a Continent were black people with not much clothes on live in harmony mixing together. To the outsider they look the same eat the same food and dance the same so whats the difference. The answer couldn't be any different. African society is the most complex society dating centuries to the first man there are historical tribes that have lived side by side and can trace the original homeland country in Africa.


In an average african country there are at least say 50 tribes these tribes occasionally marry and mix together but its very rare and African society is composed on tribes and each tribes stick together and do all they can to preserve their own culture and identity and race. So and Angolan will not just marry any Angolan he/she will attempt to marry their own tribe. This whole attitude of Africans all looking the same and dividing up the Continent is what has continued to cause wars up until this day. East Africans are well known to be the most tribalistic of all people in Africa especially Ethiopians Somalians and Kenyans.

Now when I here why dont Ethiopians or East Africans marry other African countries or other races the whole tribalism and cultural upbringing of the young girl by her family is the reason why most choose not to date outside their race. They are conditioned to not to marry outside their own tribe let alone country. It doesn't matter if you have the same complexion as them they are tribalistic people and show allegiance to their ancestral home lands which their grandparents left generations ago. It may seem sad but that is the honest truth, there are lots of mixed raced marriages where I see a lot of Ethiopian women with white men or other races but it is hugely frowned on by the parents of the Ethiopian who accept it but would not necessarily have wished that for their son or daughter. I sort of feel sorry for mixed raced children as most who are half white generally could pass as white people therefore grow up accepting their white heritage more as they fit in more than their Ethiopian heritage. People are less willing to accept them as full bloodied Ethiopians, going back to the whole emphasis of tribalism and its influence, the term Kilis is used to refer to these people.
A friend of mine who is Kenyan hesitantly introduced her African American boyfriend to her relatives in America, after all he openly welcomed her into his families home and they were welcoming and lovely. She was so embarrassed when a concerned cousin asked him the most pathetic question of what do you think of hustlers? he didn't know what to answer and looked shocked. Since that day my friend does not want her family near him until they get married and even she doesn't want them at the wedding either and told me she might opt for a Las Vegas wedding.
There is no such thing as open dating in East African families this whole western culture of bringing the boyfriend or girlfriend in the family home is not accepted unless he decides to marry the daughter by bringing his best men and asking the elders of the family. Most African Americans or black British or other races feel offended when their East African girlfriend refuses to take her boyfriend to their parents house unless they wanted to be greeted with a black eye by the brothers and fathers of family; it just does not work and its a cultural thing that has been passed down. That does not mean Ethiopian girls don't date, they do indeed but they will not openly date and publish their relationship at every opportunity which is encouraged in western society.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

King Menelik II the original durag wearing king

Proclaimed to be a descendant of the legendary Queen of Sheba and King Solomon, Menelik II was a dominant figure of his time in Africa and would be known as the King of Kings. He converted a group of independent kingdoms into the strong, stable empire known as the United States of Abyssinia, otherwise known as Ethiopia. His feat of pulling together several kingdoms, which often fiercely opposed each other, earned him a place as one of the great statesmen of African history. His further accomplishments in bringing Ethiopia into the twentieth century, coupled with his stunning victory over Italy in the 1896 Battle of Adwa, in their attempt to invade his country, placed him among the great leaders of world history and maintained his country's independence until 1935.
Menelik II was Emperor of Ethiopia from 1889 until his death in 1913. He was originally ras or ruler of Shoa in central Ethiopia. After the death in 1868 of Emperor Tewodros II, Menelik, with Italian support, gained steady strength. He seized the throne after Emperor Johannes IV died. In 1889, Menelik concluded the Treaty of Uccialli with Italy. However, when he learned that the Italian version of the treaty was different from his amharic version, essentially making Ethiopia a protectorate of Italy, he denounced the agreement. The Italian invasion that followed in 1895–96 was crushed by Menelik’s great victory near Adwa with great assistance from his wife Empress Taitu. Italy was forced to renounce all claim to Ethiopia and to pay an indemnity. Menelik took important steps to strengthen and modernize his domain. He made Addis Ababa his capital, constructed a railroad, attempted to end the slave trade, and curbed the feudal nobility. His conquests doubled the size of the country and brought the present day southern Ethiopia, which was largely Muslim, into the realm. Gradually his health failed, and the end of his reign was marked by intrigue and maneuvering for the succession due to his lack of a living male heir. He was succeeded as emperor by his grandson Lij Yasu.
It is interesting to note that a young man who in 1911 married Menelik's daughter Wayzaro Menen, was now working his way up in the ranks and would later become Ethiopia's last emperor, Haile Salassie.

Sheik Alamoudi Encourages Prostitution in Ethiopia?

I am yet to see any benefits this man has done for Ethiopia he seems to have vast reserves of our national Gold fields due to 'money talks bribing going on' has monopolised himself to only have his vast empire of company's under MIDROC that can be opened from soap to soft drinks to paint. The average Ethiopian business man cannot compete with his greedy coprate companies. The Ethiopians have no choice but to buy from the greedy already rich of a pervert fat man from Saudi Arabia.
He is also another BIG INTERNAL enemy of Ethiopia do you know how?

1) only opens self destructive alcohol binging night clubs so impressionable young women who are poverty stricken can flock to him for one night stands in exchange for cash.

2) He has organised a prostitution trade from Saudi Arabia to Ethiopia he brings his fellow fat wealthy Arabs along to Ethiopia so he can indulge is illicit porn with poor young women from poor families who see this as an easy way out. Leading these young girls in a bad route to continue being high class hookers for Arabs.

3) He participates in multiple marriages in exchange for land or money and encorouges poor people to sell their daughters. He flaunts his wealth and money in front of starving Ethiopians who work for pennies in his giant enterprise. He never donates any money to charity in Ethiopia that would help the Ethiopian people in a positive way only gives cash in exchange for his 100th wife.

4) He is dirty piece of trash that deserves to be swallowed up by an earth quake and melt in hell and does not deserve to be called Ethiopian and is the biggest internal enemy of Ethiopia. When the next dictator comes along I hope the Sheraton Hotel in addis can be changed into a homeless shelter for the needy, I'm sure he would be very happy to see them sleeping on marble floors for a change.

Ethiopia's Internal Enemies

Ethiopia has had enemies for centuries ranging from Persians to Romans to Arabs to 19th Century European colonists. For centuries Ethiopia has defended itself from these foreign attackers, lately Ethiopia's enemies are more home grown internal enemies. Who are these internal enemies what do they want from Mother Ethiopia? Well its quite hard to state but these internal enemies are enemies of the state. Enemies that are running Ethiopia are turning its back on the constitution performing selfish deeds and acts to benefit their own pockets rather than the country and the people that live there. These internal enemies are trying to wipe Ethiopia's past glory to lower the nations cultural esteem and awareness. These internal enemies who are in power are walking on the graves of Ethiopia's martyrs and warriors who died for their country defending it and preventing slavery by doing the opposite. Allowing foreigners to buy Ethiopian land and selling our children and young women to work as slaves to the hated Arab countries who despised us then and still do now. Why are these internal enemies playing with fire and giving a chance for these external enemies to also have a go at Ethiopia? We will never know what their agenda is but as long as people know who the real enemies of Ethiopia are the better. These internal enemies of Ethiopia are enemies of people who love Ethiopia and care about the direction it is going they would rather side with enemies of Ethiopia and to join their little club you have to participate in selfish un patriotic deeds and destructive acts that will harm Ethiopia. Separatism and identity by ethnic is encouraged and racist actions and beliefs of other races is encouraged not as brotherly united Ethiopians. Hard lined fanatical fascism is encouraged and racism is upholded and brutal mafia like operations of the economy is also encouraged. The only people who can benefit form Ethiopia are only people who self hate and burn the Ethiopian flag and foreigners who can step in and abuse the country after all they have and will always be enemies of Ethiopia.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Suicide Amongst Black Men?

It seems more and black men are committing suicide or are prone to depression or mental illness in the UK. It may be because they have stereo-type to uphold or put on them by media and peers generally that they have to be a strong black man face anything view that is thrown at them from ugly racism from school to work place to baby mamas and wives and nagging women. I think people in the mental health sector overlook their problems view it as drug related and slip through the net from getting any help whats over and in the worst scenario end up committing suicide. The continual police harassment does not help either and may trigger a feeling of worthlessness and depression. The thing is more young black guys should be aware that suicide is happening in their community and if they know a particular person is down they should be willing to open up and ask for help and not care if its a sign of weakness as the problem will get bigger and bigger. If poor Joe blogs killed him selve most youths would say oh he hanged himself then the conversation would not continue as feelings of guilt kicks in as they could have spoke to the person and asked him if he was ok. The worst part of it all is most people that commit suicide are the loud sociable characters who put on a front to the world how happy they are, but really are dying inside. But it makes you wonder what the signs are? Some people are really good at hiding their feelings so you will never know. There is a saying the crazy man who talks to himself is not really crazy after all hes letting it out, the craziest people are the ones who keep it inside and the words ringing round their head and putting on happy face. Most men are trained to retain their emotions especially Ethiopian/Eritrean men which I will go in more detail in the next paragraph. All those emotions in one person can not be healthy and must act like a pressure cooker. Men need to open up and cry if they must damn just let it out. Its sad that in this day and age they are conditioned to wear the same clothes date the same type of woman and act macho by slaying a few slow runners from another area.

Habesha Men
It is becoming more and more common for most Habesha men killing themselves in western countries its absolutely shocking. Now most Abesha men are brought up to be successful and put up with a whole lot of crap from society. Generally the way we are raised is different and there is no such thing as mental illness its associated with the devil. These young men have no one to turn to they are not familiar with the mental health service and do not even themselves that that they need help so refuse to get help. Too many young men are giving up and killing themselves. Abesha men work hard in the work force and employers know this and exploit them due to their culture and are less willing to complain and put up with a lot of crap especially work bullying. This can be a factor if the young man does not have a family in the UK and is supporting his family abroad who he sends money regularly. The pressure could be too much for them to handle again they bear it and carry on someone should tell them they need to take time out and look after their needs. Relationships could also be daunting them, demanding in laws and the wife who is rather concerned about helping her relatives than realise if her husband is not ok. What is also terrible is after the poor an kills himself how the family sweep it under the carpet and keep a hush hush how he died.

I think in both situations these poor young guys should be given some sort of information that there will be people out there who will make your life hell either in the work place or generally the lack of care from people but generally in most cities that is how it is. These people must be willing to seek help complain moan if they have to get heard. Don't keep it all in and face anxiety, there is nothing worse. Whatever is bothering them they should feel happy to let someone know who knows your close friend may also be going through it but is too busy putting on a front like a clown.

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Ancient Egyptians Were Black

What has seriously annoyed me is the continued racist historians claim to discredit Africa's ancient glory from its present day black people. I don't know if these people seriously believe that black people really believe the crap that they present to the world about their wrong wrong theories and evidence. They really need to stop I can understand in the old days when this rubbish about Ancient Egyptians being white who have blond hair, as a way of discrediting the Africans that were being sold to the new world so they can accept their lowly status as a slave and work hard in the plantation fields. However slavery has been abolished now and recently in the 1980's in Saudi Arabia, so give up to these absurd theories you are not fooling anyone. The funny thing is they know the truth themselves, yet they seem to lie to their teeth backed by bogus evidence. Its a well known fact the first human being was African, Ethiopian to be precise the ancient Egyptians have always identified themselves as coming from the source of the nile river down south and have identified the Ethiopians as being of the same race, hence the paintings on tombs suggest they look like modern day Ethiopians and Somalians. Who are black without a doubt are they colour blind?. Now these closet racist historians come up with an explanation that people of the horn of Africa are not black they're just white people with brown skin and are not from Africa their just dark arabs. Here's my answer you grey haired no good for nothing dividing old people, who do nothing all day but dig in the sands in central/north Africa and discover a so called blond mummy. Have you ever seen a tall Arab with sturdy legs like Usain Bolt and Kenenisa? I think not! For some reason historians think that in Ancient Africa, Africans were confined in the modern day colonial borders, let me tell you something those borders didn't exist. Only the borders between Egypt and Sudan existed the rest of Africa was joined up with Ethiopia as one big country. Historians also refuse to believe that Africans travel all over Africa considering the short distance, they refused to accept that Africans mixed with the Ancient Egyptians who are also Africans duh. I mean it is accepted the Anglo Saxons arrived from Germany to England and even further the Romans invaded Britain and mixed with the natives. For some reason the world believes Ancient Egypt was shut off from its African neighbours as if they were surrounded by walls as large the Great Wall of China. These racist historians also feel that Africans were not intelligent enough to use boats to cross a tiny tiny channel the red sea to attack/trade Arabia and set up colonies there, no Africans are afraid of water they just stayed in the jungle with the animals. Ancient Kushites travelled as far as India and Asia and traded with them and set up villages hence why so south Asians look black, but for some reason historians seem to refuse to accept this too. Africans according to them are not sophisticated and are only associated with slavery. Another interesting thing Historians seem to state is that ancient mummy's they find have hair that ranged from blond and red. Hmm here's my explanation, imagine you just been lying in a coffin for 3000 years would your once glittering black hair still be black? common sense people no it will lose the colour gradient and change to a dusty brown or cream.

here is a very interesting clip on how black history is being distorted

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Land of Frankincense and Myrrh aka land of Punt Ethiopia/Somalia

The Frankincense Trail,

The BBC have a show called the frankincense trail which I find very interesting, however the ancient Frankincense and Myrrh trail went around Arabia and Egypt but somehow the BBC forgot to mention the two countries where the best frankincense is found and even the ancient name was called Punt Land where the Ancient Egyptians got their supply, present day Ethiopia and Somalia. The lovely blond presenter who I remember her being in a gardening program was desert hopping around Arabia chilling with sheiks and smelling different Arab incense. Her and her crew travelled from Oman to Yemen to Saudi Arabia to Egypt somehow crossed to Sinai followed by Jordan then to Israel. Now it could be coincidentally only Arab oil producing countries that are allowed to be featured on the program but who knows, how could they feature all those countries without going to Ethiopia? Where the Axum empire main export was frankincense plus a few lions and gold and spices? Somalia's main export was punt across to Arabia all the way to the India. If the camera crew can visit Saudi Arabia how you not going to visit Ethiopia the most tourist friendly country with a well known airline called Ethiopian Airlines which has been running since the 1950's. Now I can understand the TV crew not wanting to visit Somalia's Mogadishu as they don't want be held ransom, but they could have gone to the semi-autonomous region of Hargesia where the port is the historical port of punt land Incense, its as if the crew deliberately avoided Ethiopia and Somalia as they don't want to be giving those countries any positive news feature Barack Obama is enough for the black people coincidentally is from East Africa Kenya. I watched it today and it featured the Egyptian Coptic Church celebrating Mariam, I was moved by this and would love to visit the spot in Southern Egypt where the Virgin and Jesus passed through when they escaped from Bethlehem. The blond presenter then highlighted how the Egyptian Copts use frankincense which the Ethiopian Orthodox church also use and have more access to better more quality frankinsence. The Ethiopian Coptic church and the Egyptian Coptic Church were connected since the form of the Christianity and only split in the 1950's when the Ethiopian Coptic Orthodox Church appointed their own bishop. But those two churches are historically linked I'm sure incense was easily transferred to Egypt from Ethiopia when the Ethiopian Church was linked with the Egyptian church. The Islamification of Egypt further isolated the Ethiopian Coptic Church thus retaining their ancient byzantine coptic chritianity..

After watching the program I got into my kitchen and started raiding my cupboard for the jar of myrrh from Ethiopia my mother gave me. I remember telling her I don't want the smelly yellow frankincense which is common around Arabia and is associated with an Arab smell of Oud. Frankincense is the the cheaper incense which no one in Ethiopia uses unless its for everyday church services, where there wouldn't be any point in wasting the good myrrh from Ethiopia and Somalia. The good crystaly incence is used for Saint days and holiday celebrations. As I heated the charcoal on the gas cooker and put it on the ash tray as I remembered how my nephew broke the special incence burner shaped in the Lalibella church design. I placed two pieces of the light crystal coloured resin and left the bad bits, the resin crackled as it touched the heat of the charcoal. Then the most gorgeous smoke arose just like geenie would out of a lamp, I cant describe the smell but it is more beautiful than any designer perfume out there. Its silky and gorgeous and I can see why the Axum Empire made such a rich fortune out this wonderful smell for thousands of years.