What has seriously annoyed me is the continued racist historians claim to discredit Africa's ancient glory from its present day black people. I don't know if these people seriously believe that black people really believe the crap that they present to the world about their wrong wrong theories and evidence. They really need to stop I can understand in the old days when this rubbish about Ancient Egyptians being white who have blond hair, as a way of discrediting the Africans that were being sold to the new world so they can accept their lowly status as a slave and work hard in the plantation fields. However slavery has been abolished now and recently in the 1980's in Saudi Arabia, so give up to these absurd theories you are not fooling anyone. The funny thing is they know the truth themselves, yet they seem to lie to their teeth backed by bogus evidence. Its a well known fact the first human being was African, Ethiopian to be precise the ancient Egyptians have always identified themselves as coming from the source of the nile river down south and have identified the Ethiopians as being of the same race, hence the paintings on tombs suggest they look like modern day Ethiopians and Somalians. Who are black without a doubt are they colour blind?. Now these closet racist historians come up with an explanation that people of the horn of Africa are not black they're just white people with brown skin and are not from Africa their just dark arabs. Here's my answer you grey haired no good for nothing dividing old people, who do nothing all day but dig in the sands in central/north Africa and discover a so called blond mummy. Have you ever seen a tall Arab with sturdy legs like Usain Bolt and Kenenisa? I think not! For some reason historians think that in Ancient Africa, Africans were confined in the modern day colonial borders, let me tell you something those borders didn't exist. Only the borders between Egypt and Sudan existed the rest of Africa was joined up with Ethiopia as one big country. Historians also refuse to believe that Africans travel all over Africa considering the short distance, they refused to accept that Africans mixed with the Ancient Egyptians who are also Africans duh. I mean it is accepted the Anglo Saxons arrived from Germany to England and even further the Romans invaded Britain and mixed with the natives. For some reason the world believes Ancient Egypt was shut off from its African neighbours as if they were surrounded by walls as large the Great Wall of China. These racist historians also feel that Africans were not intelligent enough to use boats to cross a tiny tiny channel the red sea to attack/trade Arabia and set up colonies there, no Africans are afraid of water they just stayed in the jungle with the animals. Ancient Kushites travelled as far as India and Asia and traded with them and set up villages hence why so south Asians look black, but for some reason historians seem to refuse to accept this too. Africans according to them are not sophisticated and are only associated with slavery. Another interesting thing Historians seem to state is that ancient mummy's they find have hair that ranged from blond and red. Hmm here's my explanation, imagine you just been lying in a coffin for 3000 years would your once glittering black hair still be black? common sense people no it will lose the colour gradient and change to a dusty brown or cream.
here is a very interesting clip on how black history is being distorted
And here is a wikipedia extract of a scientific explanation of Red and where origns can be found and where the numbers are even a small percentage of people.
Red hair (also referred to as titian) varies from a deep orange-red through burnt orange to bright copper. It is characterized by high levels of the reddish pigment pheomelanin and relatively low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. People with red hair are often referred to as redheads.[1] Approximately 1% to 2% of the human population has red hair.[2][3] It occurs more frequently (between 2% and 6% of the population) in northern and western Europeans
It's ridiculous how African history has been distorted
Ethiopia meant ancient North Sudan not Abyssinia (modern day fake Ethiopia). I doubt the Egyptians were even aware of Abyssinia's existence.
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