I am yet to see any benefits this man has done for Ethiopia he seems to have vast reserves of our national Gold fields due to 'money talks bribing going on' has monopolised himself to only have his vast empire of company's under MIDROC that can be opened from soap to soft drinks to paint. The average Ethiopian business man cannot compete with his greedy coprate companies. The Ethiopians have no choice but to buy from the greedy already rich of a pervert fat man from Saudi Arabia.
He is also another BIG INTERNAL enemy of Ethiopia do you know how?
1) only opens self destructive alcohol binging night clubs so impressionable young women who are poverty stricken can flock to him for one night stands in exchange for cash.
2) He has organised a prostitution trade from Saudi Arabia to Ethiopia he brings his fellow fat wealthy Arabs along to Ethiopia so he can indulge is illicit porn with poor young women from poor families who see this as an easy way out. Leading these young girls in a bad route to continue being high class hookers for Arabs.
3) He participates in multiple marriages in exchange for land or money and encorouges poor people to sell their daughters. He flaunts his wealth and money in front of starving Ethiopians who work for pennies in his giant enterprise. He never donates any money to charity in Ethiopia that would help the Ethiopian people in a positive way only gives cash in exchange for his 100th wife.
4) He is dirty piece of trash that deserves to be swallowed up by an earth quake and melt in hell and does not deserve to be called Ethiopian and is the biggest internal enemy of Ethiopia. When the next dictator comes along I hope the Sheraton Hotel in addis can be changed into a homeless shelter for the needy, I'm sure he would be very happy to see them sleeping on marble floors for a change.
any proof to back up your accusations? I have heard all these accusations but even if there were true you can't deny the fact that he employees more than 100,000 ethiopians. He has has been at times a sole stimulator of the ethiopian economy. A most recent example would be when ethiopian was suffering foreign exchange money a month or so ago, he was the only one willing and able to inject about $100M into the system. so don't be a hater - appreciate what he is doing for the country
Any proof for this accusation? well your answer says it all really he employs 100.000 people who have no choice but to work for him as other people are not allowed to set compete with him and set up their own business as they dont have the funds to bribe the government with cash boosts. The average business man doesnt throw lavish parties with attracting every poor woman in town. As for being a hater you should feel sad for the poor people of Ethiopia who have to slave away working for this greedy corporate thug. While watching some poor young 15 year old girl who has no choice but to be his mistress because she is so poor backed by her parents. All Im doing is highlighting this man as a womanizing pervert who takes advantage of the Ethiopian peoples plight by living a disgusting perverted un-moral life while there are starving people in every direction. I'm a defender of womens rights and this man is encouraging prostitution and making it normal for some of these woman to go into it. If they are aware what this man is about and see him for his true colours, he is not good for society.
you might have a legitimate argument but i am still convinced that overall he is good for the country. If your attempt is to portray Alamoudi as "womanizing pervert who takes advantage of the Ethiopian peoples plight by living a disgusting perverted un-moral life while there are starving people in every direction" that would bias your judgment. Your arguments are also based on a few rumors, gossips or hear-says. Might I also say that he isn't the only man with money who is engaged in exploiting women. If we're to take your argument and hate on anyone who is a womanizer - there are also many (MANY, MANY) Ethiopian men who entertain prostitutions (without them, prostitutions wouldn't have existed). At least, Alamoudi gives them away out of prostitution. I am a little conflicted here, because I don't condone his actions per say but some actions are left as personal decisions. so what we have to concentrate is on the benefits his brings to society. Also the the whole argument of he having a monopoly of the economy - might be true but the question we have to ask is why? I could go on and give a list of things but that will be going on to a different discussion.
Any ways, here is an article that is some what critical of the Sheik that you might enjoy:
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